Category Archives: Cerita

Story tellingku yang ke-4


Hi guys !

Mau bagi2 aja nih. Dengan memperingati bulan perpustakaan internasional , sekolahku mengadakan lomba story telling kemarin (sabtu,17 Desember 2011).

Kalau udah ngomongin story telling mah, saia gak bisa lepas untuk tidak mengikutinya. Alhamdulillah kemarin saia berkesempatan jadi peserta dengan nomor urut 2. Cerita yang saia bawakan adalah cerita rakyat dari Bali ^_^

Berikut ceritanya…

Ni Timun Mas and I Lantang Hidung

NI Timun Mas was a beautiful girl. She lived with her mother in a house near a jungle. Ni Timun Mas always helped her mother. When her mother worked in a rice field, Ni Timun Mas always stayed at home to clean up and cook. she was not allowed to go to the rice field. Her mother was afraid that a giant would kidnap her. Yes, there was a giant lived in the jungle. His name was I Latang Hidung. He loved to eat young people! Read the rest of this entry